Retro Computers in Film – Part I

This post pre-dates the split of projects, future installments (if there are any, may end up on Computer Legacy instead) – Dan

I love film media – be it movies, television, music videos or even silly things like public service announcements or commercials – I consume it in droves second only to music. When I go through my period of consuming film I often will recognize various older/retro computers being used and always want to know more, like what they are exactly and more. So with that short introduction this series of posts will be a gallery of these finds, and me identifying where possible but also opening that up to the public to assist with documenting them.

Uninvited (1999, Carlo Gabriel Nero)

This rather run-of-the-mill see-every-twist-coming tale of childhood romance doesn’t actually feature many computers or related tech, instead it features more cars (which don’t worry have already been submitted to the Internet Movie Car Database. However while capturing the screenshots for those submissions I did snap two for some retro tech.

Exhibit A – Unidentified Terminal

This entry is currently without identification, help out by posting a comment of what you think it may be below!

Appearing in a “flashback” segment of the film, we are seeing inside a prestige car dealership (which seems to be selling mostly Mercedes-Benz cars) where upon the sales desks are what appears to be some old style terminal machines. However terminals are an area of retro-computing knowledge that I lack, so any help in possibly identifying this entry would be appreicated!

Exhibit B – Unidentified Terminal

This entry is currently without identification, help out by posting a comment of what you think it may be below!

In this scene where we see inside a private office, on the back cabinet we see what appears to be another terminal but looks to be a different model to that shown in the car showroom. Also in this shot is a large laser-printer, which is mostly obscured by the actor. Initially I thought it might be a HP Laserjet 5000 (as thats about the right date) however the side fan intake and general size does not match. Can you help identify either of these devices?


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