Fun. – Some Nights

Fun. ‎– Some Nights [Fueled By Ramen ‎– 7567-88262-8]

It feels almost like yesterday that you could not escape Fun.‘s radio hit We Are Young – and as always here at the HQ I am rather late in keeping up with the joneses. I don’t know why I am still surprised to find what I call “new” releases in charity shops, considering I regard a 5 year old release “new” – either way I picked this up for a small sum in a bundle lot. I was never a big fan of the original hit when it came out, as those who have read my other reviews know any pop music made in the last 10 years rarely is; however I am always keen to give everything a try.

Well let me say this – Some Nights is an album I could have quite easily not have heard, any my life be indifferent. I am tired – a long day staring at a computer screen with wonderful white fluorescent lights shining above me would most probably be the cause for that, however this does not usually cause too much of a problem for listening to new music. The only thing is that I usually have less tolerance for stuff I don’t enjoy. Unfortunately for the artists, performers and bands whose new releases I listen to of an evening – I am always bloody tired. Well sadly this release did not help my tiredness, it simply irritated me and was “tiresome” to listen to. Normally I continue to listen to the release while I type my review but this time I have stopped it, my ears only receptive to the quiet draft my desk fan is generating and the rather peaceful whistle of the hot water boiler running.

I get why this album was a hit, I get why people like it – it certainly has that “fresh air” feel to it. Its very… poppy. It’s very bouncy with every song sounding like it is out of a theatre production. I think that is why people like it, and I, at this time (and most probably into the future) do not. Don’t get me wrong, I like a lot of theatrical music and depending on the show you may find me in the audience of a show – but I have to be in the mood to listen to it, and sadly I am not in that mood. But I regard myself as a smart individual and try and see past my current end-of-the-week fatigue and consider if I would listen to this record again. No. No is the answer, I do not see myself listening to this record ever again. Nothing personal against any of the performers, there is just nothing that clicks and as there are hundreds of other releases that are destined for these tired ears I am not going to waste time re-listening to something that simply didn’t catch my attention the first time round.

Sadly for “Fun.” their fame has been rather short lived, and they have fallen out of the general consciousness of 2017 as they have not released another album and all of the members have gone on to do other things. Maybe they could do a come back tour in 10 years time for all their teeny-bopper fans, that is of course if teeny-boppers existed in 2012. Even so, it would be a short show with material from one album to perform (with some padding of their original independent release).

To sum up? A very theatrical pop record, which did in fairness stand out against the other drab shite on the radio at the time. Sadly this success didn’t make a big enough splash in the mainstream pool as we are still as a race subject to terrible chart radio at the moment.

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