Tag Archives: Quattro

Classic Nostalgia 2017 Shelsley Walsh – 22nd July 2017

This was one of my favourite shows of the year, if not one of my favourite of all time. I grew up playing rally video games as a kid and thought rally cars were the coolest thing (and still do). This day out was a fantastic time to watch some of these legendary cars going up and down the hill climb, all while being able to get up close and personal with the cars in the paddocks. Aside from the rally legends, there were a few other interesting cars present on the day.


Players 10 @ North Weald – 18th September 2016

This was the first ever static show that I drove myself to.

It was a pretty decent day and started my enjoyment for taking pictures of cars at shows – more as a hobby of cataloguing what is out there.

Please forgive some of these pictures, some are slightly out of focus, or the white balance is horrendously off. This was my first time trying and things only really improved from here on. Also being mid-September I had to deal with horrendous overcast.

Event Website:



